25 October 2006

Sour Leek in Olive Oil

In Turkey, the best known leek dish is the leek in olive oil made with leek, rice and carrots. I found this sour version from a Turkish cookbook, and it is different! It has no rice or carrots but onions instead. The reason I tried the recipe was I had simply run out of carrots. The result was impressive.

It is best served as a side dish, together with rice and meat/chicken, and a dollop of Greek yoghurt.

1 kilo leek
1/2 cup olive oil
2 onions
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon tomato paste
a pinch of salt
European parsley

Wash the leek carefully to get rid of any soil. Cut into 7-8 cm.s pieces, and cut each into thin stick-like pieces.

Add olive oil into a pot, and lightly stirfry the onion. Then add the leek, and continue stirring. Close the lid, and cook further for a few minutes.

Add the water, tomato paste, salt, sugar, and lemon juice. Cook in medium heat until the leek is soft.

Turn off the heat. Serve it when it has cooled down, topped with parsley.

You may want to try mixing through a teaspoon of sumac prior to serving.

1 comment:

Ross said...


The leeks look very YUMMY!!!!! I felt like ripping off a hunk of bread and dippoing into the leftover juices.

Look forward to reading your blog on a regular basis